Thursday 13 March 2014

LEEDS TYPE// Proof of Concept Day

For a new collaboration with Mikey we have been testing a new idea around Leeds. The idea would be to exhibit the everyday typography used around the city. The final outcome could be a printed or digital map of the city presenting the locations where we have found interesting typography which summarises the 'feel' of its location, for example the university could be represented by its serif sign-age displaying its heritage. Hyde park could be represented by the large numbers painted on its wheelie bins and so on. Accompanying the map would be a magazine or book detailing the type and colours found in each area spotted from the map.

The idea as it stands seems quite abstract, more of an art project, however I think we are both happy with this, having lived in the city for some time it will be an interesting practice to go out and document our surroundings. The final outcome will be a piece of artwork and design with an understanding of the city and typography.

The photos here are a few we took to prove the viability of this concept, to see how the outcome could look and to make any changes to our plans before we go out an do some major image collection. Alongside the type we have a few images of patterns. The plan would be to display these alongside the type to generate a more accurate impression of location within the book.

Having collected some examples here are some concepts of how the book could look, with the type and image overlay. We are also considering adding a single colour to the page as to again ad a sense of 'location' or culture that may be found in each area.

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