Tuesday 12 November 2013

NEWSPAPER// Day 6: The Ubergine Title

Having assessed our progress and standing during yesterdays crit we decided that the identity of the paper had to support the satirical tone by offering something more realistic. As much as we liked the hand drawn cover from before it told the wrong story and sought after the wrong audience. What we came up with (above) is an edited version of the Dala Floda typeface. There was also a lot of experimentation around the colour and formatting of the design as shown below.

Using colour to denote the Aubergine vegetable was an early Idea to illustrate the name in an interesting way. As we moved away from using the literal image of an aubergine we wondered if this would effect the name of the paper, people may not understand its meaning. At simple colouration of the U was one way to deal with this problem. After a while we realised that the name doesnt really need explaining, it is a satirical newspaper and the name is implied as satire of 'The Guardian', 'The Times', 'The Daily Mail', by prefixing a useless and ugly vegetable with 'the'.

One option which stood out for me is that the U could be taken away and used as a logo for the brand/ paper, online or in any space where the format would require. Here are two examples of a modern blackletter and sans serif (Founders Grotesk). The body of the letter would represent the body of the aubergine and the stalk is denoted by the green umlaut. Although the idea of taking the U away as a way to shorthand mark the brand it is also important to note that the colouration will not be continued for the same reason I have stated above.

These two images show a small example of the transformation between the stock typeface, Dala Floda, version I drew up for the title. The second version has all sharp points rounded and all gaps edited out. We did this to create a more suitable, slightly customised, version of the text for our newspapers title, it has smoother lines and seems to sit in the space we need to it be in in a more suitable way.

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