Monday 28 October 2013

TYPEFACE// Evaluation

The final set of characters contains a short list of letters, numbers and glyphs compared to many typefaces, however this was a short brief and an investigation into a style of typefaces which usually contain only one weight and a small set of characters. I’m not sure if I like or dislike this work for the following reasons; I understand the brief and I do believe that I have completed what I set out to achieve given the time frame, however stylistically I don’t think this has any role outside of what it has been designed to do. Essentially I think that this has been an interesting experiment into how I draw and construct characters on a page, as well as an interesting look into typefaces within graphic novels and comic books. On a more positive note, I am pleased with the way that the typeface works in the right context. Had I spent more time on this project I would have liked to develop the characters in a completely different way, going into more depth, and taking what I have learnt from the construction of characters in my own handwriting and applying that to a Gothic sans-serif typeface. However, this would have been a much more substantial undertaking.

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